Shifty's new project

If you wish to share your thoughts, feelings or experiences, please send it to us!

From Yurzhy

Umbra have always been about people you work and communicate with.
I am truly honored that I used to be a part of the team of such smart, talented and inspiring guys. Shifty, Razex and Null all became a valuable part of my life and will always have their special place in my memory.
Best professionals create the best product, and the best product attracts and unites the best customers. We were all here, because we love to be the best in this life, and we adore being surrounded by the people of the same mindset.
Thank you all for completing this way together and being there for each other, which mattered the most.

From Amber


From Kaut

This journey began a long time ago, with the dedication of everyone involved. We provided fun moments and, more than just a product, Umbra left its mark on every user who used it. Whether through the incredible support team or the excellent quality of the software, we always sought to improve to meet users’ expectations.
Just like everything in life, there’s a cycle. I regret that Umbra has come to an end, but in this path, we built stories. A true friendship I formed was with Shifty, an incredibly intelligent person whom I deeply admire. I am grateful for every moment of this journey and hope that life brings us new opportunities.

From 肥龙

祝你今天快乐,我的超级胖狗兄弟。我最开心的事就是通过 Umbra 软件认识了你,肥狗。

From David Sun

Since 2019, it has been with us for so long, it's like an old friend.
Thinking back to its appearance at that time, with its aim assist and ESP, leading us into the world of CSGO. It was like a good brother, always bringing us surprises and fun, allowing us to swim freely in the ocean of CSGO, never feeling lonely.
But now it's leaving, it's sad. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend, and we can't help but reminisce about the little things. From its first update to our daily browsing, those wonderful moments will always stay in our memories.
Although it's closing, we will never forget the joy and surprises it brought us. It's like the end of a good movie, we will miss it, but also look forward to the next, even more exciting story. So, even though you are closing, we will never forget your brilliance!

From KingLinux

Umbrasoft will be missed. By far the best software to ever exist & be made. Customer support was the best out of all software providers.
Long time customer and will never forget the software.

From xxxbw

I've had the pleasure of using Titan. It made my gaming experience so much better.
Even though I don't play csgo anymore. Titan gave me some of the happiest times in my csgo career!

From Caspar

2021 年最开始使用幽灵是被一个中国骗子骗了 2000 多,发现用的是盗版,然后自己找到 Umbra Software,正式进入组织。
从最开始的小白,逐步提高调试参数的水平,后来的简化参数的泰坦,泰坦➕都用的得心应手,当时最牛逼的时候同时玩七八个账号打 5E,逃过了数次封禁。
不过出来混迟早要还,后来转战 vac,可以说泰坦已经成为了游戏生活的一部分…
希望 shifty 能够继续陪伴我们做出更牛逼的软件!

From D9


From 神探飞机头

I will, I want to say: Umbra has been with me for many years, and I am very sorry for the dissolution of the Umbra team. I want to say goodbye to this team. Although we are about to separate, our hearts will always be together.
I believe that in the future, we will all perform better and create new glory for this team again. The team disbanded, but our hearts will always be together. Thank you for everything this team has brought to us, and I hope we can continue to work hard in the future.

From Mi Manchi


From p4ncak3 (pac)


From 咖啡


From 孑孓


From Artemis


From Cheng Huang


From Mvphear


From lfjjseufhah


From Sonny

中文:泰坦是我最喜欢辅助,没有之一,我从 19 年身边朋友陆续购买,再到 23 年我体验了 titan+,它是如此的丝滑如此的稳定,我希望泰坦可以一直走下去,我也会一直支持泰坦。

From Kr1nous (plaoy)


If you wish to share your thoughts, feelings or experiences, please send it to us!